ISSN: 1697-090X
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All but one of the noise-free realizations were periodic. One NFR corresponded to a flat time series, which is typical of a point attractor. However, there were differences among them as to the shape of the periodic NFR. Figures 3-4 illustrate some the periodic NFR obtained. In an attempt to characterize the diversity of the NFR we estimated the periods of the obtained NFR. The resulting histogram is shown in figure 5. As apparent, the most frequent value corresponds to a period of 3 years (about 78 fortnights). Two NFR doubled this value (6 years). One NFR had a period of 2 years (26 fortnights), three NFR had a period of 4 years and 3 NFR had a period of 8 years, whereas another NFR had a period of 7 years.
London data. The series of London measles data is represented in figure 6. Unlike Birmingham data, optimal orders changed as the time windows shifted (Figure 7). Not surprisingly, some NFR corresponding to low orders presented a chaotic appearance. This is illustrated in figure 9. As illustrated in figure 10 and 11 the phase portrait did correspond to a chaotic attractor. Periodic NFRs did show different degrees of irregularities (See figure 8). More than 70 % of the periods of nonchaotic NFR grouped around 1, 2 and 3 years.
Here we provided few examples of the application of kernel nonparametric auto regression to measles data. As our results revealed for measles data from the pre-vaccination era the most probable scenario is a high-order NFR with a complex periodic pattern. However, sliding the time window in less than 4% leads to changes in the NFR pattern. In the case of Birmingham data, however, the pattern mainly remained as a periodic one. In the case of London data small changes in the data can lead to a radical change from a high-order- to a low-order NFR with periodicities or even chaos. The approach selected here of slowly moving the time window provided the possibility to detect sudden changes in the dynamics within a relatively short time series. The fact that the cyclic NFR had periods in multiples of 1 year cycles points to the reliability of the obtained results, especially if one assumes that no information about circannual periodicities was introduced into the system. On the other hand, the interpretation of the data is difficult, since sudden changes in the dynamics are being observed when as much as 95% of the points used in the estimation remained common. This apparently supports the idea about the coexistence of several attractors in measles dynamics15. This could be a consequence of spatial heterogeneity of data that is not taken into account in the global series16. Nonetheless, the possibility of real bifurcations seems to be the more reliable, since the slight effect that changing less than 5% of the data points can add to the estimation of a function leads to such changes as doubling the period of a limit cycle or even a transition to chaos. By the classical definition, a bifurcation is a sudden change in the dynamics when a parameter of the dynamical system changed extremely slightly7.
Our data are consistent with results from other authors. In particular we obtained that.
Both mechanistic17-21 and data-driven18 models have been applied for characterizing measles dynamics. Each approach presents both merits and drawbacks. Apparently, semimechanistic models outperform both20. Our conviction is, however, that while dealing with a nonlinear system whose properties are not completely elucidated, making rigid forehand assumptions is risky. In our opinion, the best virtue of KNLARI is that assumptions here are reduced to a minimum. As resulted, the implementation of this approach to the study of measles data allowed extracting information that is both meaningful and concordant with literature reports. We consider that this approach might be particularly useful for initial stages of raw data exploring. Combining it with realistic assumptions may better contribute to the management of epidemics, a paradoxically major task of the post modern era6.
Acknowledgements: Authors thank Profs. Pedro Valdés Sosa and Julian Chela-Flores for motivating us to carry on with this research. We thank Prof. B. M. Bolker for helping us with data location. JLHC is a Senior Associate at the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, where part of this work was done. This Paper is dedicated to Dr. Osvaldo Hernández on his 60th birthday.
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The study and analysis of epidemics has been of key importance in
Epidemiology. It has been not only the cause but also spread, course and
control of disease in order to develop public health activities. Thus, changes in patterns of epidemics from regular cycles to irregular, possibly chaotic epidemics, observed throughout the century before this has gotten a particular interest. Epidemiology has benefited greatly from physics and statistics to understand these changes in order to provide control of communicable diseases. Nonlinear dynamics analysis used to understand some living systems is going to verify the chaotic nature of infectious diseases, the knowledge of its dynamics, comparison between them and the estimation of the losing information rates of the agent and host1.
Kernel nonlinear autoregressive identification may contribute to the management of epidemics like it is considered by this paper.
REFERENCE: 1.- Canals L, Mauricio and Labra S, Fabián Análisis no-lineal de la dinámica de enfermedades infecciosas en Chile. Rev. Med. Chile. 1999;127:1086-1092
Most of the statistical procedures found in the literature use the estimation of one or more parameters of the population originating the samples. For instance, the t-test uses one sample to estimate the value of one variable in the population, where the sample was taken from; provided the distribution in that population is a normal one. Tests of this kind are called parametric tests.
Another group of tests which are not based on the estimation of distribution parameters are the so called non parametric tests.
One interest - among others- in this article lies on its contribution to the long-standing controversy, about the usefulness of these last ones; according to most of the authors, parametric tests are robust enough in most of the cases, and the non parametric tests are not useful really. On the other hand, other authors believe that the non parametric tests are superior to the parametric tests due to the fact that they are independent of the distribution.
Besides our opinion upon the subject, it is always important to be acquainted with non parametric procedures, as well as their rationale.
These tests occupy a very important place in the experimental literature and they merit to be known
* Corresponding author:
José Luis Hernández Cáceres.
Received, February 2, 2006.
Comment of the reviewer reviewer Mario Arturo González Mariño MD. Profesor de Epidemiología, Facultad de Medicina, Fundación Universitaria San Martín. Bogotá, Colombia
Comment of the reviewer David Montaño Inturias MD. MPH. Novib Oxfam Netherlands. Projet du Nord Kivu. RDC
Epidemiology and biostatistcs have become unavoidable tools in decision making to contribute towards the solution of health problems.
In this article, the authors suggest and demonstrate - through a retrospective data exploration about measles - that the kernel non parametric test is a trustworthy tool in epidemiololgy.
CECAM-ISCMH, Calle 146, Nº 2501 esquina a 31, Cubanacán, Playa.
La Habana, Cuba. CP 10400.
Mail: cacerjlh @
Published, March 27, 2006.