ISSN: 1697-090X
Indice del volumen Volume index Comité Editorial Editorial Board Comité Científico Scientific Committee |
LS |
HS |
P |
= 262 |
= 186 |
0.05) |
(years) |
[56-76] |
[63-80] |
< 0,001 |
People over 65 yrs. |
(43) |
(66) |
< 0,001 |
Females |
(58) |
(63) |
0,28 |
Less than 7 yrs. of education |
(83) |
(18) |
< 0,001 |
Low income (<Ar$1000) |
(95) |
(0) |
< 0,001 |
Not working |
225 (86) |
113 (61) |
0.0001 |
Living alone |
24 (9) |
45 (24) |
- |
The anthropometric and functional results are shown in table 2. When these results are analysed comparing both groups, a significance is observed only in the Mini Mental test, with a cut-off point of 24 (maximum 30) equivalent in Argentina to a 7 year education.
Table 2. Tests performed and their results
(n = 448)
Cases n
= 262 |
Controls |
P |
[22-26] |
[23-27] |
0,28 |
29 |
(7) |
(11) |
0,14 |
21 |
(12) |
(7) |
0,07 |
[22-27] |
[26-30] |
< 0,001 |
24 |
(43) |
(79) |
< 0,001 |
(> 20% FM loss) |
(18) |
(16) |
0,69 |
(> 12) |
(52) |
(57) |
0,27 |
SF-12 |
[6-12] |
[7-12] |
0,73 |
rate |
[0,8-1] |
[0,9-1] |
0,61 |
(>2,5) |
(26) |
(21) |
0,24 |
When we analyzed the data comparing the age groups, and between both populations studied, the results obtained showed: In the Mini Mental test there was a bigger difference between 70 and 79 years old, and a slow decrease with age (p<0.001) Figure 1.
The decrease was observed previously in the intervention group, and approaching 80 years old in the control group, with a tendency to level up as the age increases. There is a marked difference in the Body Mass Index when observed in each group separately particularly in the 7th decade (p =0.009). A slight tendency to obesity was also observed in the control group, which again tends to disappear in this last group, in people older than 79 since they frequently lose weight
In the SPPB when we opened the analysis according to age group we observed a (p< 0.001) at 7th decade, and with the same tendency to level up in people older than 79. When we measured the gait speed with a cut-off point of 1 second per meter of speed, significance was noted between 70ª and 79ª. (p<0.001), but with minor differences in all the age groups in favor of a better functional state in the control group, as well as a slight tendency to narrow after 80 years old
The perception of the physical health state on the test SF-12 did not show any difference between both groups in the age extremes, (<60ª. and >79ª.) although in the latter the value tended to cross in favor of the LS group. An increasing significant difference (p<0.001) was also observed between 60 and 80 years old. When we broke down the answers according to age group and sex, we noted that in the intervention group, women perceive their health as worse from 79ª years of age. In the intervention group or cases, women perceive their health as progressively worse as their age advances. On the Hand Grip there wasn't any significance difference between both groups. Dividing into age, we can observe that in people older than 79, there is a marked loss of muscular strength in the control group and viceversa, in any of the cases in people younger than 60.
In the LS group, the group with less loss of muscular strength is the one between 70ª and 79ª years of age while the others are more similar regarding performance. The relationship between loss of muscular strength with the corrected body mass according to height and sex shows us that in the LS group there is a higher loss of strength in both genders when the BMI is lower than 21 (malnourished), and a higher loss with any weight in the case of the women group, with a big difference in obese women which can make us infer a case of sarcopenic obesity.
In the HS group, there is clear evidence of a high percentage (35%) in the malnourished group (BMI <21) in both genders alike. A big difference in all the women groups, which increases up to 35% of the population in the case of obese women (IMC > 30).
In Fragility evaluation according to the criteria of Linda Fried, the comparison between both groups was not rendered as significant, but when we divided them by gender as women get older they become more fragile in comparison to men. When separating both groups, beginning at 79 years both show a marked difference between both genders, while in the LS group this difference is repeated since earlier ages and it is still increasing. In the HS group the difference is seen after 79ª years of age. Figure 2.
The lab parameters obtained are expressed in Table 3. A significance is observed in serum values of albumina, which is higher in this case in the HS group (94% of the population), in the hemoglobin values, 88% of the population in the HS group had higher averages, and we observed that 25% of the HS had positive PCR (p<0.001).
Table 3: Laboratory parameters
Cases n
= 262 |
Controls |
p |
(>3-3.5) g/l |
(83) |
(94) |
< 0,001 |
mg/dl |
[185-230] |
218 [190-235] |
0,02 |
>240 |
(14) |
(16) |
0,75 |
160 |
(6) |
(3) |
0,16 |
(male >12,5 and female >11,5) g/l |
(66) |
(88) |
< 0,001 |
(25) |
(12) |
< 0,001 |
(>1,2) mg/dl |
(13) |
(14) |
0,76 |
(>126) mg/dl |
(8) |
(10) |
0,33 |
The higher income and education group was a little older, with an age range of between 63 and 80. There was the same proportion of women in both groups, probably due to a higher mortality rate in older adults who live in extreme conditions. The high proportion of people with less than 7 years of education in the LS group is explained by their limited access to education, child labour, and the fact that the majority of them come from a rural background. In these periurban settlements the majority of people do not work, they have informal employment or welfare provided by the state.
And since many times the elderly family member is the only one who has a retirement or pension income, they usually do not live alone. The other possible explanation, is that in this group cohabitation is more frequent, sometimes with more than one generation, due to the housing deficit. They usually live in one bedroom rudimentary houses or studios sharing the space with other generations of the family.
The significance in the Mini Mental test, with a cut-off point of 24 (maximum 30) is equivalent in Argentina to a 7 year education, which could be explained due to the fact that in the intervention group the majority of the people had been in school for less than that seven years total. When the data is analyzed comparing it between both populations studied, the results obtained show us, a higher difference in the 70 and 79 year old group, as well as a slow decrease as age advances (p<0.001). The fall is observed first in the LS group and approaching 80 years old in the HS group, with a tendency to level up as age progresses. The physiological ageing factor would impact in the same way after reaching 80ª years of age independently of the risk factors. Naturally, the LS group performs less from an early age due to what has already been explained. Fig.1
The Body Mass Index in both groups as a whole did not render a significant statistical result, in the SPPB it is observed that when we opened the analysis according to age group (< 0.001) the same tendency to level up in people older than 79 years old appeared. When gait speed was measured with a cut-off point of 1 second per meter of speed, no significance was again between both groups. The perception of the physical health state in the test SF-12 did not show any difference in the two extreme groups of age (<60ª. y >79ª.) although in the latter it tended to cross with the value in favor of the case groups.
When we broke into the answers in each group according to age groups and sex, we realized that in the intervention group women perceived their health as worse from 79ª years of age. It is worth noticing that muscular strength measured with the hand does not show any significance of p between both groups globally. Dividing them into ages we can observe that in people older than 79ª a marked loss of muscular strength can be evidenced in the control group, and viceversa in none of the cases of people under 60. In the intervention group, interestingly enough, we see that the group with less loss of muscular strength is the one between 70ª and 79ª years of age and that the rest are similar regarding performance.
In the frailty evaluation, when we sorted the people by gender, women become more fragile as age progresses in comparison to men. When we divided both analysis groups, beginning at 79 both show a clear difference in both genders, but in the case group this difference appears from early ages and increases both. This correlates with the lower perception of physical wellbeing in women belonging to the most vulnerable group Fig 6. The significance in serum values of albumina, higher in this case in the control group (94% of the population), in the case of hemoglobin values 88% of the population of the control group presented higher averages, which implies a better nutritional state, and the observation that 25% of the intervention cases had positive PCR (p<0.001), implies a higher pro-inflammatory state in vulnerable populations. Table 3
Limitations of the study
This is a field study carried out in risk areas for the interviewers where questions were not supposed to create rejection or sensitivity feeling they were being asked questions for other reasons that are not the scientific ones explained. Its value lies on being the first geriatric evaluation performed in thesepopulation in Argentina.
It is not a randomized study of two comparative samples, it is descriptive and observational and above all things its "n" is small to understand the data found. Ideally, the study which would definitely give us the more significant information should be cohort of longitudinal follow-up through the life of the enrolled subjects and should last as long as the investigator desire.
Probably, we only found the survivors of the LS group, who surprised us with their functional state despite not having been educated, and living with little income under the poverty line, but as their age progressed the deterioration is higher and thus the difference with the people who have access to private health care is more evident.
A sort of social resilience is what makes the fittest survive in the worst conditions; many of them are even the main support of three or more generations. It is true that not many 85 year old subjects were found in the sample, and that there were older adults in the HS group, which is probably linked to a life expectancy of 70 years old for both sexes at the time of birth in this population (LS)17, and 78 years old in the HS group.
We believe that the data found in this study speaks for itself since the adverse socio economic and sanitary conditions of a person throughout their lives, condition the person to be more vulnerable. It is also true that the people who survive that hostile environment, evidence for decades, to be functionally apt to defend themselves from it.
Conflict of interest: No conflicts declared
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José R. Jauregui, MD. PhD.
Tte. Gral. Juan Domingo Perón 4272, zip code C1181ACH,
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
E-mail: jose.jauregui @