ISSN: 1697-090X


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    Rev Electron Biomed / Electron J Biomed 2021;3:8-12.-



    1José María Eiros Bouza, MD. PhD.
    2María Jesús Coma, MD. PhD.

    1Servicio y Area de Microbiología. Hospital Universitario "Río Hortega" y
    Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Valladolid.
    2Unidad de Investigación del Hospital Universitario de Burgos. Asociación Red Uninet.

    jmeiros @

    Spanish version

      The value placed on the dissemination of the activity carried out by professionals in the field of biomedicine has been repeatedly pondered by the main editors of periodicals worldwide 1-3. The areas in which the professional activity of healthcare professionals is carried out include assistance and care, fundamental, applied and translational research, teaching in its different modalities and stages, as well as management and governance 4-6. In addition, in view of the exceptional demand from society, a facet inherent to the dissemination of knowledge in intelligible terms and at high speed of dissemination in social networks has emerged with force7,8.

      Our position from a journal that has been in existence for two decades requires us to maintain the criteria of quality, including peer review of the original articles, continuity in its regular publication and the acceptance of works in different languages. As with any living project, it has not been immune to the difficulties inherent in the very practice of professionals, which has been affected to a considerable degree by the current Covid-19 pandemic, the dynamism of whose aetiology we have been able to collaborate in our journal9.

      In writing this editorial, we would like to echo the demands of trying to communicate any relevant contribution to clinical and health care activity. Few exercises better shape the acquisition and development of skills than that which requires intelligible and useful writing in the scientific field. Part of the training of our professionals during their residency period or their stages as fellows and junior researchers involves a more or less intense, but essential, dedication to writing and dissemination of their activity in the different biosanitary fields.

      Our journal is committed to making room for as many contributions as we wish to see the light of day and be published, trying to align ourselves with the message of the Latin sentence verba volant, scripta manent10.


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        4.- Magnin A, Iversen VC, Calvo G, ?e?etková B, Dale O, Demlova R, et al. European survey on national training activities in clinical research. Trials. 2019; 20: 616. doi: 10.1186/s13063-019-3702-z.

        5.- Davison EJ, Singh SK, Jemec B. Global Surgery Fellowships-An Investigation of Opportunities, Outcomes, and Applicants. J Hand Microsurg. 2021; 13: 196-201.

        6.- Ghavamabad LH, Vosoogh-Moghaddam A, Zaboli R, Aarabi M. Establishing clinical governance model in primary health care: A systematic review. J Educ Health Promot. 2021; 10:338. doi: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_1299_20.

        7.- Barrios-O'Neill D. Focus and social contagion of environmental organization advocacy on Twitter. Conserv Biol. 2021; 35: 307-315. doi: 10.1111/cobi.13564.

        8.- Papworth SK, Nghiem TP, Chimalakonda D, Posa MR, Wijedasa LS, Bickford D, et al. Quantifying the role of online news in linking conservation research to Facebook and Twitter. Conserv Biol. 2015; 29: 825-833.

        9.- Hernández M, Falcó A, Eiros JM. La evolución del SARS-coV-2 y su potencial repercusión clínica y sanitaria. Rev Electon Biomed 2021; 3 (en prensa).

        10.- Enciclopedia Jurídica. Online: [consultado el 31 de diciembre de 2021].

      Prof. José María Eiros Bouza, MD. PhD.
      Área de Microbiología. Sexta Planta.
      Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Valladolid.
      Avda Ramón y Cajal 7.
      47005 Valladolid.
      Email: jmeiros @